In my study - main bookcase

In my study notes: List of subjects
The Ginkgo Trees of Hiroshima: trees that survived the A-bomb
The Ginkgo Tree: tales of a living fossil

On the Origins of Multi-cellular Life
Links of interest
Stuff I want to get rid of

The Study

A website by Craig Robertson

Welcome to The Study, a podcast site dedicated to the life of the mind, featuring interviews exploring the creative intellect in the lives of men and women working in the arts, humanities and sciences, conducted in their studies and studios.

New! Museum Victoria: my bird recordings
This set of 108 includes most of my best Australian recordings.
(It can be brought up in the Museum Victoria Collections Online by entering a search on 'Robertson' then Add 'zav'.)

Recent Gondwana News: More on the history of the place, the idea, the word

New-ish: xeno-canto: more bird recordings

Pathfinding in Paradise: a tale of the Long-tailed Cuckoo

Note: In late 2023 a correspondent alerted me to problems accessing the podcasts below with Windows based browsers. I also found none of the photos on this whole site were loading, with the same browsers. This problem appears to have been fixed as at 30 December. If anyone still finds they cannot access a podcast or see images, please let me know. The Study welcomes your feedback; just slip a message
In my study - the window

The Study: why do it? an update
Gondwana - how it got its name
The Cradle of Humankind
The Cradle of Humankind - Part II
Museums and Evolution
Rock art of Southern Africa
Sturt's entrance to hell: what and why
Sturt's Pigeon; fate of Burke & Wills
Reflections on Ice: in old Gondwana
Walter Baldwin Spencer's Grave
In my study: the room, the garden
The Study on the move: bush shacks
The Study on the move: Mt Terrible
Museum Victoria blogs
Sarasvati: goddess of learning
Podcast Nos. 16 & 17: Vic & Olga Gostin
Geologist & anthropologist (2 podcasts)
Podcast No. 18 Frank Leahy:
Surveyor: geodesy, its history & Burke & Wills
Podcast Nos. 14 & 15: Francis Thackeray
Archaeologist (2 podcasts)
Podcast No.13: Len Puglisi
Urban environmental planner
Podcast No.12: Bill Compston, FRS
Podcast No.11: Don Mathewson
Astronomer, radiophysicist
Podcast No.10: Rosemary Balmford
Retired judge and ornithologist
Podcast No.9: Joy Bear, AM
Solid state/mineral chemist
Podcast No.8: Geoff Lacey
Civil and environmental engineer, naturalist
Podcast No.7: Nancy Millis, AC
Podcast No.6: Stan Farley
Painter and sculptor
Podcast No.5: Frank Kellaway
Poet, writer, painter
Podcast No.4: Jack Douglas
Geologist, palaeobotanist, sportsman
Podcast No.3: Nicola Stern
Archaeologist, musician
Podcast No.2: Peter Mathers
Novelist, playwright, artist
Podcast No.1: Martin Friedel
Scientist and composer
Links on names are to individual pages for each program where there are notes about each interviewee and other information. The podcasts are all one hour or a bit less, and 12 - 14 Megabytes in size. See the Technical Page for more information on handling them.
Each interview is followed by a short section called "In my study: notes on etc." which concludes the podcast. I discuss various subjects and play the occasional mystery sound. See the List of subjects for more information and links to standalone podcasts of each IMS-Notes.
Put your mind into the right frame (and test your sound setup) by playing some of the many beautiful sounds of water (1' 39" mp3, 772Kb).
Bookshelf with Sarasvati
In my study - collections
In my study - collections: 1. Abalone shell; 2. Rocks from Gondwana; 3. Bones, stones and shells; 4. Rocks from Africa; 5. Rocks from Zhoukoudian, China

Works by Craig Robertson

Buckley's Hope: cover 2002

Buckley's Hope

For thirty-two years he survived in the wilderness, mainly because he was adopted by local Aboriginal tribes. Scribe Publications "An Australian classic." Barry Hill, The Age

E-books now available!! Purchase directly from Scribe Publications, or follow the links to Amazon Kindle or Kobo.

Song of Gondwana: cover

Song of Gondwana

A science fantasy set in and dedicated to Victoria's wild southern coast and its bird life. Penguin Books "Intelligent and imaginative." Alan Wearne, The Age.

The Expedition: CD cover

The Expedition: a novel in multimedia

A scientific expedition searches for the origins of the first human occupation of Australia. Published on CD-ROM, with over 200 photos and around 30 sound and movie files.

For enquiries about the above three works, see Sales.

The Ginkgo Tree: tales of a living fossil
An article in Collections Magazine, No.19, December, 2016, published by the Cultural Collections Unit at The University of Melbourne Library. A history of the living and the fossil ginkgo, researched in the Special Collections of the library, and among the ancient trees of China. (This article was a much reduced version of my original paper; the full paper is here in pdf: The Ginkgo Tree: is it a living fossil?)
Burke & Wills: The Scientific Legacy of the Victorian Exploring Expedition Edited by: E.B. Joyce and D.A. McCann. Check out this link to The Royal Society of Victoria book publications page. Yours truly co-authored the section on birds and ornithology in this handsome volume. See also this CSIRO Publishing page for more information and online orders.

The Study banner graphic by Cheryl Grant.

Please refer to The Study Copyright Notice. All material on this website, unless otherwise stated, is © Copyright Craig Robertson, 2007-2024
Last updated: 7 August, 2024

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